Veterans of the USS West Virginia (BB-48)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Alphabetical Listing G, USS West Virginia Veterans

Below is a list of all of the veterans whose last name begins with the letter G.
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Gabriele, Angelo M. Gackle, George D. Gaffney, Durwood A. Gagliardi, J. D.
Gagne, Francis R. Gaines, Robert Y. Galvin, Patrick Garcia, Claude R.
Gardner, Everett R. Gardner, L. P. Gardner, R. E. Gardner, Woodrow Wilson
Garmon, H. E. Garner, George Garnett, Robert Garrett, Harry W.
Garrison, J. H. Garvin, Andrew Garvin, Sherman , Jr. Gaskins, Jordan Lacy
Gates, Esla E. Gautreaux, Ruckle L. Gebelin, Albert L. Gebhardt, J. J.
Geci, George Geesman, Donald J. Gefel, J. B. Geitz, James H.
Gener, Wilford J. Gennarino, G. N. Gensman, C. O. Gentry, C. C.
George, J. B. George, V. R. Gershowitz, Martin M. Gerwien, Harold J.
Gezik, Rudolph Chester Ghant, L. R. Gibson, Edward Gibson, J. C.
Gibson, W. F. Gibson, William G. Gierlich, James C. Gifford, Richard B.
Gifford, W. H. Gilbert, Leonard E. Gill, E. Gillen, William
Gillespie, J. W. Gillet, Burn W. Gillis, Walter L. Gimble, Jacob H.
Giorgi, Elmo J. Girard, E. L. Gist, Howard B. , Jr. Gladney, M.
Glass, John F. Glass, Orville R. Glasscock, Jimmie F. Gleason, Albert J. , Jr.
Gleeson, R. J. Glenn, A. Glover, E. C. Glover, Everett
Glover, M. E. Glover, Ray Goad, O. H. Godar, J. R.
Goebel, Charles A. , Jr. Goertler, Robert F. Goforth, J. E. Gomes, E. D.
Gonzales, Bibian Bernard Gonzales, J. C. Gonzales, Miguel Constantine Goodman, K. F.
Goodson, Chester Solon Goodwin, Myron E. Gootee, D. A. Gordon, W. W.
Gorenflo, D. L. Gossage, J. M. Gossett, Leon E. Goula, Ignatius J.
Gould, Arthur Gould, J. K. Grabinski, Louis Gradick, J. E.
Gradner, E. R. Graff, Marion Gragg, J. B. Graham, G. W.
Graham, Hank F. Grams, Robert H. Grandstaff, C. M. Grandy, C. L.
Grant, D. N. Graves, R. L. Gray, T. Green, J. A.
Green, James B. Green, L. A. Green, L. B. Green, Raymond M.
Green, W. E. Green, W. H. Green, W. K. Greene, Edward D.
Greene, Edward J. Greenley, G. L. Greenwood, Leo F. Gregory, Thomas Irvin
Gregson, L. E. Grider, Cliveous E. Gridley, James Carol Griffin, J. B.
Griffis, Claude W. Grimes, F. H. Grimes, Patrick C. Grimes, Robert J.
Griner, Stanley M. Grogan, Robert C. Gross, William C. Gross, William J.
Grover, Charles F. Groves, Wallace L. , Jr. Grubb, J. L. Grunow, H.
Gudeman, R. H. Guey, J. A. Guilbeaux, E. J. Guisti, August J.
Guminski, Roy R. Gunbille, Elmer I. Gutowski, Roman J. Gwinn, C. B. , Jr.
Gwinn, Paul
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