George E. Hornstein

USS West Virginia

I was just on a website that showed a list of crewmembers on the USS West Virginia and noticed that they were trying to update the list from 1939 to 1945 . I would like to submit my fathers name to that list. C.W.O. George E. Hornstein. He joined the USN in 1937 and stationed at USNTS San Diego, Dec. 1937 Nov. 1940 ,USS West Virginia ,San Diego destroyer base ,Elect.

His son

Nicholas J Hornstein


George Edward Hornstein, Chief Warrant Officer W2 Electrician, born Nov. 2, 1919, Gary, SD. He joined the USN Aug. 13,1937, and was stationed at USNTS San Diego, December 1937-November 1940, USS West Virginia, San Diego Destroyer Base, Elect. School instructor at Farragut, ID, USS Kennabago, assistant eng. officer out of Ulithi Atoll.

He considers the best years of his life were those spent aboard the "Wee Vee". Some of the more memorable trips included trip through the Coral to Haiti, San Juan, Cuba and the New York World's Fair. He was discharged on Navy Day in October 1945.

His wife passed away June 21, 1995; he has seven children and 10 grandchildren. He is president of Hornstein Dist. Co. dba Team Electronics, Fargo, ND and Moorehead, MN, wholesale distribution of electronic consumer merchandise. He lives in Pelican Rapids, MN.

Reprinted with permission from Turner Publishing

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